About Steven R. Ragsdale

Personal Trainer and Wellness Coach

Health and fitness have been the primary focus in my life for as long as I can remember. As a former high school athlete and United States Marine, my expectations for my personal level of athleticism have always been high. We are given one body, and we owe it to ourselves to strive for the highest level of personal health and wellbeing that we are individually capable of achieving.

I have been guiding individuals in achieving their health and fitness goals for more than 20 years and received my Certified Personal Training Certificate in 2006. I also have advanced training in Biomechanics of Strength Training, Dietary Guidance, and Wellness Coaching from The Cooper Institute and Idea Fit.

My goal as a Certified Personal Trainer is to help my clients maximize their strength, endurance, cardiac fitness, flexibility, and core strength. As a Wellness Coach, I help my clients achieve a well-balanced life through physical health, mental well-being, and good nutrition.